Monday, 24 October 2011

In The Beginning…

Two weeks left for the term one to begin in Aston and man does not have his visa yet. However, by adequate information provided by Aston visa advice unit and the supports from PFL Ghana, I applied for and got my visa exactly one week after submission of my application at the British Embassy-Ghana.

With a help from a taxi to the airport and hugs from my family, I set off to the check in point of Brussels airlines. On board, I was checking my time to be aware of the duration of the flight, which I roughly know. Interestingly, upon arrival in Brussels, my transit point, my Ghanaian time could no longer help. I was rescued by available time at the airport. The morning came and on board another flight to Birmingham. “Your traveling documents, your CAS, passport,….”, were sounding all over the counters at the UKBA.  My requirements were not different. I produced the required documents and all were checked.

I then move to the baggage area. There my bags come looking so tired. Surprisingly, they all arrived deformed, wheels off and handles nowhere to be found. Just said to myself, “Chineke, I don die finish”. I carried the bags using the ‘self support mechanism’ and looking forward to the ‘meet and greet’ services provided by Aston.  Just in time, there arrive charming and cheerful looking people in blue T-shirts full of smiles and enthusiasm. “Hello, you welcome! Waiting for Aston Uni.?”, asked one of the Aunties.  Before “yes” was replied, they took my luggage to my rescue.  Finally, on my dream Uni. Campus, and through the great support provided by the Aunties, I settled without any hassles.  Before the assisting Auntie left, the programme for the week was in my hand. Just guess the outcome of the programmes…

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