Thursday, 24 May 2012

New face of Birmingham-Lovely sunny weather...

Now there are new topics for interaction for the past couple of days.
Guess what, it is all about the lovely sunny weather.
“What a lovely day!”
“Let’s enjoy the good weather.”
“Let’s have picnic by the lake.”
“Oh mine!  Let us go for a walk.”
“I will be going out without a jacket on.”
“Ok, let me get my sun cream, it has been ages since I’ve seen it.”

Relaxing by the lakeside of the uni on a lovely sunny day.

These present some new lines of interactions. For the past couple of days, the weather has changed drastically perhaps for a good one.

It is sunny, one can dress pretty casual, and of course have picnic around the lake of the uni.

Now my counts for not wearing jacket to the city centre have increased. Let us start, one, two, three, four, five ; ok I think today is the sixth time. This is how interesting it is to have a lovely sunny weather. We hope this will last for long. Fingers crossed. I love today’s weather!

The face of the new build(student accommodation) on a lovely sunny day.